Monday 27 May 2013

Sunday Funday!

Why is Sunday one of the most dreaded days of the week? Probably because it’s the end of the weekend, but at the same time, the beginning of the work week. Sundays are spent bracing ourselves for Monday; prepping lunch for the week, catching up/finishing up on work/homework we put off the entire weekend, recuperating from a night of partying, you name it. What I dreaded most about Sundays as a young child was grocery shopping. The crowd, the herd of people, it drove me bonkers. I always felt extra mopey on Sundays too, knowing that Friday was so far off!

Fortunately though, for the past two years, Sundays seem to have become slightly more bearable…

I hate to admit this, but since I met my boyfriend, Sundays have never been the same. I mean, I still dread it, but not as much anymore. No, guys, I’m not suggesting that getting a significant other will miraculously make Sundays less of a drag! lol but I will admit, doing little tedious errands with them is quite enjoyable; grocery shopping, like I mentioned before, was one of my least favourite activities ever, but my opinion has changed now…

There’s the segue for my Sunday suggestion; In need of a nice, practical, cheap date? Why not go shopping for groceries with your loved one? It may seem like a minor activity to do but this is an opportunity for you to get to know each other on a different level. A lot can be said about an individual’s choice in ice cream or fruits or…laundry detergent! & you can make the mini shopping trip fun in your own little way (keeping in mind not to mess up the store, please :)).

Relaxing while I peruse the makeup aisle.
Yesterday’s shopping adventure included going to a variety of supermarkets to check out some sales (because we are frugal like that), & I convinced the boyfriend to go to one of the new Target locations here in Edmonton; opportunity to explore some place new? Even better!

Little gems that I find!
Honestly, I find running little errands to be less…chore-like when you’re having a little fun with it. There is definitely less complaining on my end when Sunday comes rolling around nowadays.

What are your favourite Sunday activities? Do you have any Sunday routines you share with your significant other?

I also heard there was a Rodeo/Mini Carnival that went on in St. Albert this past weekend; did any of you go? How was it? I was quite bummed I did not find out about this till it was over! Hopefully there’ll be another one in the near future which I will definitely keep my eye out for!

So till next time, guys!


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